Australian Epilepsy Project

The Australian Epilepsy Project (AEP) is aiming to improve outcomes for people living with epilepsy by fast-tracking time from diagnosis to seizure control.

Through advanced testing (imaging, cognition and genetics) and artificial intelligence, the AEP is creating advanced diagnostic tools, breaking down existing treatment silos, and reducing the
uncertainty that characterises epilepsy care today.

Currently a 5-year study, a network roll out of AEP hubs has begun across Australia enabling participants access to the best diagnostic testing, alongside our at-home testing. The AEP will evolve to become a health platform that will transform the delivery of health care in epilepsy, with the potential for application across other brain health conditions.

Visit the Australian Epilepsy Project website to find out more and get involved.

Research team


The AEP project team currently comprises more than 30 members of world-leading experts in neuroimaging, neuropsychology, genetics and business leadership driving and supporting the AEP outcomes.

An advisory committee also provides strategic advice in the areas of priorities, risk, finance, research and people.

Research group

  • Amanda Anderson – Lived Experience Ambassador and Participant Lead
  • Donna Hutchinson – Executive Lead
  • Paul Lightfoot – Operations Lead
  • Dr David Vaughan – Imaging Lead
  • Dr Chris Tailby – Neuropsychology Lead
  • Professor David Abbott – Informatics Lead
  • Associate Professor Heath Pardoe – Science and Operations Lead
  • Karen Oliver – Genetics Lead
  • Professor Patrick Kwan – Outcomes Lead
  • Professor Zanfina Ademi – Health Economics Lead
  • Associate Professor Mangor Pedersen – Artificial Intelligence Lead

AEP Hub Network

Dr Michelle Kiley, AM – Lead Epileptologist AEP South Australia

Take part in this project

Clinician referrals

We are currently recruiting participants with epilepsy via a clinician referral as well as volunteers to be control group participants. If you are a clinician and would like to make a referral you can complete our online Become a referrer form.
Become a referrer

How do I become an AEP participant?

Referrals to the AEP are currently only accepted from treating neurologists. However, you can register your interest to join the study via our website and we’ll be in touch.
Learn more

Control group volunteers

We’re currently recruiting volunteers to become part of the AEP Control Group. Control group participants can be friends or family of people who are currently living with epilepsy, or interested members of the public who may have no experience of epilepsy.
Learn more

Student applications

Students who are applying to study at The Florey can register their interest in this project by contacting the AEP team.

Contact us

Seeking participants

Accepting students

Contact us

If you’re interested in learning more about this project please contact our team.

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