Include a gift in your Will

Create a lasting legacy by supporting brain research

When you include a gift in your Will to The Florey you will be helping to:

  • discover breakthroughs in dementia research
  • find the cause of Parkinson’s disease
  • reduce the incidence of stroke and improve recovery
  • identify new and improved treatments for mental health conditions.

Your bequest is a powerful legacy, empowering The Florey to solve the mysteries of the brain and mind, and giving hope to the 1 in 5 Australians living with a neurological condition.

More information about including a charitable gift to The Florey in your Will can be found in our free Gift in Wills Guide.

Get your free Gift in Wills Guide
Young female researcher in white lab coat and blue gloves standing next to a female donor in a Florey laboratory.
  • Nola Wilmot Florey Bequests Manager

    For further information or to speak to us about your wishes, please contact our Bequests Manager, Nola Wilmot on [email protected] or call 1800 063 693.

Three simple steps: How to include a gift in your Will

Step 1

Think about what’s important to you. Writing or revising your Will to include a gift for The Florey’s brain research can be a simple and positive step in managing your future plans.

We recommend speaking with your solicitor for independent advice when updating your Will. We’d encourage you to discuss your wishes with your loved ones to ensure they understand why your gift is meaningful to you.

Step 2

Decide what type of gift you’d like to leave. There are several ways to include a bequest for The Florey:

  • Residual (retains value): A percentage of, or the balance of your remaining estate after your loved ones and expenses are provided for.
  • Pecuniary: A specific amount of money.
  • Assets: The Florey is a deductible gift recipient and can receive certain assets, such as property or shares, without incurring capital gains tax (CGT).
  • Gift in perpetuity: Significant contributions can be recognised in perpetuity. Please contact us to discuss your wishes.

Step 3

When you visit your solicitor to write or change your Will make sure you include:

  • The correct registered name: The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health
  • The Florey’s ABN: 92 124 762 027

Wording to help you prepare your Will

Updating your current Will or writing your first Will is an important and personal decision. Here is a suggested form of wording for including a gift to The Florey.

I give to The Florey Institute of Neuroscience and Mental Health, ABN 92 124 762 027

A. ____________ % of my estate OR

B. the residue of my estate OR

C. ____________% of the residue of my estate OR

D. the sum of $____________OR

E. ____________(insert specific property or shares)

to be applied for the purposes of medical research by The Florey in such a manner as its directors may determine. I declare that the receipt of The Florey’s authorised officer will be a sufficient discharge to my executors who will not be bound to see the application of this gift.

For a gift to be applied to a specific research area, add this clause:

It is my wish that, without creating any binding trust or other obligation on The Florey or its directors, the gift will as far as possible be applied for the study of

________________(insert research area).

Download the Will wording (PDF, 61KB)

The Florey Society

The Florey Society was established to acknowledge the growing number of people who have left a legacy gift enabling critical medical research after their lifetime. When you let us know you have included a gift to The Florey in your Will you will be joining a group of like-minded people who value the role of medical research in improving lives. We will update you with our latest research discoveries, invite you to special events and provide opportunities to meet and hear from our scientists.

We understand that choosing to leave a gift in your Will to The Florey is a very personal decision. While there is no obligation to let us know about your intentions, we would encourage you to reach out to The Florey so we can welcome you to The Florey Society and our community of gift in Will supporters.

Two older women with short grey hair and glasses standing either side of Florey Bequests Manager. They are all looking at the camera and smiling.