Life-changing discoveries

The Florey’s Impact Report: Life-changing discoveries includes stories of real people whose lives have been transformed by the power of brain research.

They have faced the unfathomable challenges of conditions such as stroke, motor neurone disease and epilepsy.

Their bravery in sharing their stories means we can all be inspired and learn just how vital The Florey’s research is.

Fern Stevens standing on an old wooden fence

Our research impact

The Florey is the largest brain research centre in the Southern Hemisphere. Through our research we aim to improve the physical and mental health of people globally, by taking breakthrough discoveries and turning them into treatments to change people’s lives.

Every day brings our experts closer to this vision as we work to develop new therapeutics for dementia, reduce the burden of epilepsy, prevent and repair damage to the brain and understand the molecular drivers of psychiatric disease.

Learn more
Female researcher looking at a brain scan on a computer screen.

Research achievements at The Florey

Supporting The Florey

Through your generosity, The Florey works to find cures and better ways to tackle complex brain conditions. Your vital contribution enables our scientists to advance brain research, giving people with a brain or mental health condition an improved quality of life.

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Florey Appeal – mental health researchers