Dr Hefei Guan
BSc, MSc, PhD

Research Fellow

Parkville Campus
30 Royal Parade
Parkville Victoria 3052

Research group
Neural Networks Group

Hefei Guan researcher profile


Dr Hefei Guan was awarded a PhD degree from Waseda University and Riken Center for Brain Science in 2021. Following the completion of her doctoral studies, she continued as a Post Doctoral Fellow. During her doctoral research, Dr Guan explored the functional lateralization of the hippocampal circuit. Her work involved recording neural activity using in vivo electrophysiology techniques.

Dr Guan joined the Neural Networks Group at The Florey in 2023. Here, her research focuses on investigating the synaptic plasticity of human gliomas and neurons, using in vitro patch clamp techniques. In addition, Dr Guan also performs in vitro patch clamp experiments in mouse tumour cells to investigate the similarities and differences between human and rodent brain cancer. Dr Guan’s research goal is to contribute to a deeper understanding of neural circuits and synaptic plasticity in the glioma research.

Career highlights

Current roles

  • Post doctoral researcher, The Florey

Past roles

  • Post doctoal researcher, Riken Center for Brain Science, Japan

Awards and achievements

  • 2022-2023 – Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists (PI), No. 22K15234, 3,400,000 yen, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science


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