Dr Alan Yu
Group Head
Parkville Campus
30 Royal Parade
Parkville Victoria 3052
Research group
Neuroinflammation Group

Dr Chien-Hsiung (Alan) Yu is Head of the Neuroinflammation Group at The Florey. Alan obtained his PhD in infection immunology at The University of Queensland in 2015 before being awarded a postdoctoral fellowship at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research. Recently, his major discoveries have highlighted the underappreciated importance of the innate immune system in motor neurone disease (MND). With the support of his NHMRC Investigator Grant, Alan established an independent group at The Florey in early 2022.
At The Florey, Alan seeks to build a comprehensive map of neurodegenerative disease gene signatures and elucidate how these inflammatory signals triggered by abnormal protein aggregation (i.e. tau and TDP-43) lead to neurodegeneration in dementias and MND. Moreover, Dr Yu is interested in uncovering the etiological link between infection and early onset of these diseases.
Career highlights
Current roles
- Head, Neuroinflammation Group, The Florey
- Head/Senior Research Fellow and NHMRC Investigator Fellow
Past roles
- Group Head/Senior Research Fellow and NHMRC Investigator Fellow
- Senior Research Officer (WEHI), Thwaites Gutch Centenary
- Fellow (WEHI/Ormond College), Research Officer (UQDI)
Other highlights
- Published in journals such as Cell, Trends in Cell Biology, Nature Neuroscience, Nature Communications, Nature Reviews Immunology, EMBO and Science Immunology
- Awarded 3 NHMRC grants and 2 philanthropic grants
- Nominated for 2021 Australian Museum Eureka Prize for Outstanding Early Career Researcher
Research project
Awards and achievements
- 2023–2026 – NHMRC-AMED Collaborative Dementia Research Joint Funding (CIA)
- 2023–2024 – The Frick Foundation Award for ALS Research (PI)
- 2022–2026 – NHMRC Investigator Grant (Emerging Leadership 1)
- 2022 – CASS Foundation Travel Award
- 2021–2023 – NHMRC Ideas Grant (CIB)
- 2016–2021 – WEHI Thwaites Gutch Centenary Fellowship
- 2020 – CASS Foundation Medicine/Science Grant (PI)