Young Stroke Systematic Review

Atrial fibrillation (AF) is the commonest form of arrhythmia, typically analysed in ageing populations. Its relationship to stroke is widely reported, but its prevalence within young stroke populations has not been studied in depth.

This project is part of The Florey’s Young Stroke Service (YSS) and will assess the frequency of AF in young stroke populations to help guide clinical decision-making for managing the condition.


  • Assess the prevalence and frequency of AF in young stroke populations through a systematic review and meta-analysis.
  • Compare to the frequency of AF in healthy individuals compared to young stroke patients (18-55 years) and additionally to stroke patients over 60 years.
  • Provide robust and reliable results to guide clinical decision-making surrounding the management of AF in young stroke patients.

Research team


  • Zera Mariyam Bose – University of Cambridge
  • Dr Anne-Marie Beaudoin


  • Jessica D’Lima

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