Professor Steven Petrou, Director of The Florey, said, “On behalf of all at The Florey, I’d like to extend our appreciation to the Victorian Government, the Commissioners, and especially the more than 8200 members of the community who have shown leadership and courage in detailing their experiences of the mental health system.”
The Royal Commission’s interim report provides a number of urgent and important recommendations to address priorities in mental health and acute care. It also highlights that the final submission to the Government, due in October 2020, will present a comprehensive set of recommendations that will lead to a fundamental redesign of Victoria’s mental health system for future generations.
Professor Petrou said he was pleased the Commission had recommended the development of a Victorian Collaborative Centre for Mental Health and Wellbeing.
“Research can play a transformative role in preventing, diagnosing and treating mental illnesses. We believe that partnerships and collaborations across all areas of the mental health system is necessary to continue improving outcomes for the individuals affected.”
“We endorse the view that bringing together people with lived experience, researchers and experts in clinical care would have an enormous impact on the community.”
The Florey congratulates the Royal Commission on its interim report and welcomes any opportunity to work and continue discussions.
The interim report can be accessed on the Royal Commission’s website. The Florey’s submission is also available.
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