Dr Roberta Goncalves Anversa
BBiotech (Hons), PhD

Dr Roberta Anversa is a postdoctoral research officer at The Florey. Roberta did her PhD in Neuroscience at the University of Melbourne and completed her first postdoctoral work at the Department of Biochemistry and Pharmacology, University of Melbourne.
Roberta’s research explores novel treatments for alcohol and nicotine addiction. She uses multiple cutting-edge approaches including genetic, neuropharmacological, viral and physiological tools to observe and manipulate brain circuits and investigate how they underlie complex behaviours. She is an inventor in 2 patents and has received awards and invitations to present her work at leading national and international conferences such as the Australasian Neuroscience Society Meeting and International Behavioural Neuroscience Society Conference. Roberta has been awarded a University of Melbourne Early Career Research Grant and Jack Brockhoff Foundation research funding to pursue her research.
Career highlights
Current roles
Research Officer, The Florey and University of Melbourne
Past roles
2021–2023 – Research Officer, University of Melbourne, Department of Pharmacology and Biochemistry and The Florey
Awards and achievements
- 2023 – Jack Brockhoff Foundation Research Grant
- 2023 – University of Melbourne Early Career Research Grant
- 2023 – Florey Career Development Award
- 2023 – International Society for Neurochemistry Young Member Symposia Award
- 2022 – Florey award for best ECR review publication
- 2022 – Florey award for best ECR talk at annual symposium
- 2022 – Florey Philanthropic Award in Neuroscience
- 2020 – Young Investigator Award in Neuropsychiatry (University of Melbourne)