Professor David Abbott
Group Head
Heidelberg Campus
245 Burgundy Street
Heidelberg Victoria 3084
Research group
Epilepsy Neuroinformatics Group

Professor David Abbott is Head of the Epilepsy Neuroinformatics Group. He is an Australian National Imaging Facility Informatics Fellow, Informatics Lead of the Australian Epilepsy Project, and an Honorary Professorial Fellow in the Faculty of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences at The University of Melbourne. David is a physicist-neuroscientist whose research is largely focused on clinically relevant advances in human brain mapping. This includes pioneering work in neuroimaging methodology including structural and functional MRI analysis and simultaneous EEG/fMRI.
David’s work has an emphasis on developments that improve our understanding of epilepsy, although many of his methods are utilised in brain mapping studies more generally. Portions of his research work are also embodied in publicly released software, including iBrain and the iBrain Analysis Toolbox for SPM (for image processing, analysis and visualisation), SOCK (for fully automated noise classification and filtering of fMRI data), and The eICA Toolbox for event-related independent component analysis.
Career highlights
Other highlights
Has an h-index of more than 50 according to Google Scholar.