Scientific facilities and research services

Researcher wearing lab coat peers into microscope in dark room
Advanced Microscopy

Advanced microscopy equipment and image processing tools

Blue gloved hands pipette liquid into a small test vial
Australian National CJD Registry

Diagnostic services and surveillance of human prion diseases

Researcher wearing hairnet, gloves and gown looks in on the animal facility
Behaviour Facility

Behavioural tests for examining a variety of disease models

Researcher in red hair net and lab coat sits in front of 6 screens monitoring animal model behaviour

Procedural suites and rodent facilities for research

Close-up image of MRI brain scans with green and red lines indicating different aspects of the scan.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

Human neuroimaging, including high-resolution neuroanatomical, functional and diffusion imaging

Microscope with pink and white cells on slide projected behind it
National Dementia Diagnostics Laboratory

NATA/ILAC accredited pathology testing laboratory for Alzheimer’s disease and CJD

Ultra thin sheets of tissue for observation are pulled off a microscope slide prepatation machine
Neurohistology Laboratory

Specialised histology services for preparing and examining diagnostic and research tissues

Scientist with DNA copying, Real-time PCR cycler, close shot
Scientist with DNA copying, Real-time PCR cycler, close shot
Neuroscience Trials Australia

Managing neuroscience-related clinical trials from early through to phase III and IV


Engineering platform supporting all areas of stem cell-related research

Histological slide of brain tissue using purple and blue dye
Victorian Brain Bank

Post-mortem human brain tissue and related samples for research

Florey Innovation

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