Dr Zhiguang Xiao
BSc, MSc, PhD
Senior Research Fellow
Parkville Campus
30 Royal Parade
Parkville Victoria 3052
Research group
Oxidation Biology Group

After completing his MSc at Fujian Normal University, China in 1985, Dr Xiao worked there for 4 years as a faculty member teaching inorganic chemistry at all levels. In 1989, he took up a scholarship offer from La Trobe University to undertake a postgraduate study on modelling the chemistry of molybdenum enzymes under the supervision of Professor Anthony Wedd and obtained his PhD in chemistry in 1993. He then moved to the University of Melbourne as a postdoctoral (1993–1999) and as a research fellow and research group leader (2000-2016) to work in the field of bioinorganic chemistry.
In 2017, he joined The Florey as a Senior Research Fellow and Lab Head of the Neurochemistry of Metal Ions group. He is currently a Senior Research Fellow associated with the Oxidation Biology group. His research interests include molecular study of metallo-proteins and enzymes that are important for metabolism of metal ions (Cu, Zn, Fe) in biology, biomarkers for neurodegenerative diseases and molecular probes for bio-metals. Since 2000 he has supervised and co-supervised 6 honours, 3 masters and 15 PhD students.
Career highlights
Current roles
- Senior Research Fellow, Oxidation Biology Group
Past roles
- Research group leader and lab head
Other highlights
- A regular presenter at national and international conferences
- A regular referee for over 10 different scientific journals
Awards and achievements
- 2023-2025 — ARC project grant DP230101031
- 2019-2021 — ARC project grant DP190102573