Dr Natasha Pracejus
BSc, MSc, PhD
Research Fellow
Parkville Campus
30 Royal Parade
Parkville Victoria 3052
Research group
Fluid Homeostasis Group

Dr Natasha Pracejus completed her PhD in the field of Autonomic Neuroscience at The Florey in 2017, where she used optogenetics to activate brainstem neurons and observe how these controlled down-stream sympathetic outputs.
During a one-year postdoc at The Florey, she collaborated with the biopharmaceutical company Praxis Precision Medicines on projects to find targeted treatments for epilepsy. In her current position in the Fluid Homeostasis Group at The Florey, she investigates cells within the fluid homeostasis network that are involved in binge drinking.
In her years at The Florey, she has acquired a good grasp of an array of fields and techniques, including stereotaxic surgeries, nerve recordings, opto- and chemogenetics, calcium imaging, immunohistochemistry, and microscopy. She enjoys working in challenging settings, where she can employ, integrate, and improve on her already acquired skills.
Career highlights
Current roles
- Research Officer, Fluid Homeostasis Group
Past roles
- Florey Postdoctoral Association committee member
- Research Assistant Neurodegeneration & Neuropathology Group
- Research Officer Ion Channels & Human Diseases Group
- Research Assistant Spinal Cord Regeneration Group
Awards and achievements
- 2016 – Miller Postgraduate Travel Award
- 2014 – Australian Neuroscience Society Travel Award