Dr Mark Greenough

Dr Mark Greenough is an NHMRC-ARC Dementia Research Fellow at the Florey, working in the Melbourne Dementia Research Centre with Professor Ashley Bush and Professor Scott Ayton. Mark initially worked with Professor Jim Camakaris in the Genetics Department at the University of Melbourne, before joining the Oxidation Biology Group at the Mental Health Research Institute.
Mark’s early work focused on characterising the signals that regulate trafficking of the Cu-ATPase, ATP7a. Mutations in ATP7a cause Menkes disease, a rare X-linked disorder of copper metabolism. Mark obtained his PhD in 2013, identifying a key role for Presenilin in copper and zinc biology.
In his current postdoctoral role Mark is investigating how Presenilin, known mainly for its g-secretase function, may impact on a metalloproteostasis. Mark is also working on an exciting new project to identify molecular links between the genes associated with Alzheimer’s disease and ferroptosis, an iron-regulated cell death pathway that is emerging as a player in neurodegeneration.