Dr Marius Rosier
Research Fellow
Parkville Campus
30 Royal Parade
Parkville Victoria 3052
Research group
Neural Networks Group

Dr Marius Rosier obtained his PhD at the Lyon Neuroscience Research Center (CNRL – Claude Bernard University) in France in 2017. His doctoral thesis research was focused on the role of REM sleep on emotional regulation and on remote consolidation of memory. He joined the Neural Network Laboratory at The Florey in 2018 to study dendritic integration in cells recruited during learning (engram cells), in collaboration with the Ryan lab (Trinity college, Dublin). To address this question Dr Rosier is using ex vivo patch-clamp recordings and in vivo two-photon calcium imaging. He also does ex vivo patch-clamp recordings of human neurons from brain cancer resections to study dendritic integration in human neurons.
Career highlights
Current roles
- Postdoctoral researcher – The Florey
Other highlights
- Oral presentations on Post-learning paradoxical sleep promotes remote contextual fear memory consolidation, Invited conference (30 minutes presentation) in the symposium “What’s new in fear memory?” at the meeting of the Research Group “Neurosciences of Memory” (GDR-2905), 2016, and Biophysical properties of engram cells during learning, Invited conference for an online symposium at the Australasian Neuroscience Society, May 24th 2021
- Poster presentations on A fear memory engram in the mouse auditory cortex. Rosier M, Stuyt G, Godenzini L, Ryan TJ*, Palmer LM*. Federation European Neuroscience Societies (FENS) Forum, 2022, and Paradoxical sleep deprivation impairs remote fear memory consolidation. Rosier M*, Le Barillier L*, Malleret G, Salin P-A.Meeting of the Research Group “Neurosciences of Memory” (GDR-2905), 2014