Professor John Wade
Group Head
Parkville Campus
30 Royal Parade
Parkville Victoria 3052
Research group
Peptide and Protein Chemistry Group

John obtained his PhD in Biochemistry in 1980 at Monash University. He then received a Nuffield Foundation Fellowship to Cambridge, UK, at the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, working with RC Sheppard on modern methods of chemical peptide synthesis. In 1983 he returned to Australia to the Howard Florey Institute (now The Florey), University of Melbourne, where he has long headed the Peptide and Protein Chemistry Group. His interests are in chemical peptide synthesis of complex, functionalised peptides, including antimicrobial peptides. Professor Wade is a past NHMRC of Australia Principal Research Fellow and a Fellow of both the Royal Australian Chemical Institute and the Royal Society of Chemistry.
Career highlights
Current roles
- Head, Peptide and Protein Chemistry Group
Other highlights
- Editor-in-chief (Frontiers in Chemical Biology, International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics, Australian Journal of Chemistry), editor (Journal of Peptide Science).
Awards and achievements
- 2020 — Recipient of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute Peptide User Group Lifetime Award for ‘outstanding service to the group over several decades’
- 2016 — Adrian Albert Award of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute for sustained outstanding research in the field of medicinal chemistry, related to biomolecular chemistry
- 2010 — Cathay Award of the Chinese Peptide Society for seminal contributions to peptide science