Dr Eric Pierre
Senior Research Fellow
Heidelberg Campus
245 Burgundy Street
Heidelberg Victoria 3084

Dr Eric Pierre is a Senior Research Officer and Physicist at the Florey’s MRI Facility. He is an Australian National Imaging Facility Fellow for the brand-new MR-guided focused ultrasound (MRgFUS) system, collaborating with Austin Hospital’s Neurosurgery department. Eric is also a member of the Australian Epilepsy Project (AEP) research team. As a neuroscientist, his work has application in epilepsy, essential tremor and Parkinson’s disease.
With extensive experience in advanced MR imaging, Dr Pierre specialises in pulse sequence programming, signal processing, and image reconstruction. He has helped develop and apply innovative MR techniques for quantitative neuroimaging, including MR fingerprinting reconstruction, advanced T1 & T2 mapping, quantitative susceptibility mapping, and deep learning-accelerated diffusion-weighted imaging.
Dr Pierre’s current projects involve improving visualisation of thalamic subnuclei with MRI, with application in pre-surgical planning, intra-operative guidance, and post-surgical assessment of MRgFUS lesions.
Career highlights
Current roles
MR-guided Focused Ultra Sound Physicist Fellow; National Imaging Facility MR-net Focus Group
Other highlights
Cited in 23 Patents