Dr Connie Ow
PhD, BioMed (Hons)

Dr Connie Ow is an academic researcher focused on translational research. Her long-term goal is to develop new therapies to prevent and/or delay the progression of cardio-renovascular diseases that is driven by a complex interplay between multiple organs and tissues.
Dr Ow’s current research focuses on determining the role of tissue hypoxia in the brain and kidney in the pathogenesis of sepsis. With that, she hopes to develop diagnostics and therapeutics aimed at improving patient outcomes and, in turn, prevent the development of long-term adverse sequalae (such as delirium and chronic kidney disease) upon recovery from the initial septic episode.
Career highlights
Current roles
- Chair of Florey Postdoctoral Association
- Member of Florey’s Mentoring Committee
- Senior Editor for Experimental Physiology
Other highlights
- International rankings in research fields: [Source – Expertscape] Hypoxia (Top 0.48% of 153, 397 authors), Renal circulation (Top 1.1% of 5,778 authors) and Acute kidney injury (Top 1.3% of 107, 394 authors).
- Invitations to speak: Delivered invited presentations at conferences including Hypertension Australia (2022), World Congress of Microcirculation (2019), Uppsala Kidney Oxygen Meet (2017), CARPE DIEM Satellite (2014).
Research project
Awards and achievements
- 2023–2028 – Early to Mid Career Medical Research Future Fund Grant (Chief Investigator I, Australia)
- 2019–2020 – Grant-in-aid Early Career Researchers from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (Chief Investigator A, Japan)