Dr Andrea Gogos
PhD, BSc (Hons)

Group Head

Parkville Campus
30 Royal Parade
Parkville Victoria 3052

Research groups
Hormones in Psychiatry Group
Neuroepidemiology Group

Florey researcher Andrea Gogos


Dr Andrea Gogos is a neuroscientist specialising in psychopharmacological approaches to investigate the neural mechanisms underlying the development of neurodevelopmental disorders. She completed her PhD in 2005 at the Department of Pharmacology, University of Melbourne; her project focusing on the therapeutic potential of estrogens in pre-clinical behavioural models of schizophrenia. During her postdoctoral training fellowships, she extended her skill base by gaining valuable clinical experience when measuring sex differences in cognition in patients with psychiatric disorders.

Most recently, she has been using epidemiological approaches to investigate exposures that affect neurodevelopmental disorders. Following three significant periods of career disruption, she became head of the Hormones in Psychiatry Group in 2016.

Career highlights

Current roles

  • Head, Hormones in Psychiatry Group, The Florey (2016–current)
  • Editorial Advisory Board Member, Current Psychiatry Reviews and Research (2015–current)
  • Review Editor, Frontiers in Psychiatry (2018 – current)

Past roles

  • Vice President, Biological Psychiatry Australia (2019 – 2022)

Awards and achievements

  • 2021 – Florey Institute Rebound Grant
  • 2018 – One-in-Five Grant
  • 2017 – Stephen Morgan Schizophrenia Research Award
  • 2016-2022 – NHMRC Career Development (R.D. Wright) Fellowship
  • 2016 – Asia-Pacific Society for Neurochemistry Young Investigator Award
  • 2016 – Purton Schizophrenia Research Grant
  • 2016 – National Australia Bank Career Continuity Grant
  • 2012-2015 – ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher Award
  • 2012 – Aubrey Lewis Award, Biological Psychiatry Australia
  • 2012 – Alfred Deakin Postdoctoral Fellowship
  • 2008-2010 – NHMRC Project Grant
  • 2007-2011 – NHMRC Biomedical Training (Peter Doherty) Fellowship
  • 2007 – Australian Rotary Health Research Fund Colin Dodds Fellowship
  • 2005-2008 – Clemenger Trust Research Grant
  • 2001 – Australian Postgraduate Award

Research publications


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