Optogenetic modulation of the area tempestas – an epilepsy hot spot
Several lines of study have recently converged to reveal a new target for controlling epileptic seizures.
Early work by Piredda and Gale (Nature 1985, 317:623) provided unequivocal evidence that the prepiriform cortex, subsequently coined the “area tempestas”, was a hot spot for initiation and spread of epileptic seizures. Within this region a population of specialised inhibitory neurons called neurogliaform cells (NG) shows a stereotypic pattern of firing that implicates them seizures.
- Examine real time modulation of the control of seizures.
- Develop a role for the in vivo function of NG cells.
- Explore the potential utility of NG cells in seizure expression.
In this project the candidate will use in vivo electrophysiological recording and optogenetic stimulation to achieve the aims.
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