
Illuminating the wonders of the brain

Research at The Florey is geared at unravelling the complexities of neural circuits, studying neurodevelopmental processes, investigating disease mechanisms, and exploring potential therapeutic strategies for neurological disorders.

Microscopy techniques play a critical role in advancing our understanding of the brain’s structure and function. The Neuropix Imaging competition highlights these research efforts through a microscopic lens.

We hope to inspire the next generation of researchers through the power of imaging.

Young male researcher works at a Florey microscope. A computer screen in the background shows a vivid red microscopy image.

2024 winners

Neural Love

Scientific Award – Montanna Waters, Epilepsy Functional Genomics Group

Captured on the Nikon-Crest spinning disk confocal, this image visualises stem cells that have become neural progenitor cells. This includes early brain cells (red), cell nuclei (blue), and N-cadherin, a protein that helps cells stick together (green).

In the image, the cells have arranged around the central space in such a way where the green appears to be in the shape of a heart.

Neural Love

Cosmic Mitoneurons

People’s Choice Award – Chiara Parvan, Stem Cells and Neuronal Development Group

Captured on the Leica Thunder microscope, this image depicts dopaminergic neurons (neurons that undergo neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s disease) highlighted in white, mitochondria organelles within neurons in green, and pathological mitochondria in magenta.

Cosmic Mitoneurons

2024 entrants

A Rewarding Encounter
A Rewarding Encounter

Dopaminergic neuron (labelled in magenta) surrounded by other brain cells. This allows us to study new therapies for Parkinson’s. The nuclei of the cells are labelled in blue.

Abyssal Sentinel Eye of the Cosmos
Abyssal Sentinel Eye of the Cosmos

This image shows astrocytes (in green), important support cells in the brain, derived from an ALS patient carrying C9ORF72 mutation. Human nuclei are marked in red.

Brain Fireworks
Brain Fireworks

Microglia, the immune cells of the brain, in a dish. In white is the nuclei of the microglia. These cells were derived from, undifferentiated cells, which are capable of giving rise to any cell type of the body.

Bundle of Nerves (Just Like Me)
Bundle of Nerves (Just Like Me)

Genetically modified brain showing transplanted human myelin sheaths in green.

Electrostorm Sparks
Electrostorm Sparks

Astrocytes (labelled in green) from patient with familial ALS/MND. Human nucleus are labelled in blue.

Helping Neurons Reach their Potential and Go the Distance
Helping Neurons Reach their Potential and Go the Distance

(Green) transplanted myelin in the corpus callosum and striatum of a genetically modified brain.


Glioma cell (labelled in green) infiltrated brain. The ‘islands’ are seen on the edge of the glioma tumour mass. Brain cells are labelled in blue.

Neural Rhapsody
Neural Rhapsody

This image shows astrocyte (turquoise). Lipofuscin, pigment granules composed of lipid-containing residues, are labelled in pink. Cell nuclei are marked in yellow.

Powerhouse on Fire
Powerhouse on Fire

Mitochondria (in red) of neurons and the immune protein Gasdermin-E (in green).

Reduce Reuse Recycle
Reduce Reuse Recycle

Autophagy (labelled in green by the key autophagy gene, Atg7), astrocytes (labelled in red by GFAP). Nuclei are labelled in blue.

River of the Life
River of the Life

TDP-43 proteinopathy (in red) in hippocampus and neurons in green.

Tangled up in Red
Tangled up in Red

Genetically engineered neurons (labelled in green), with the entire branches and structure of a specific neuron (labelled in red). Brain cells are labelled blue.

That’s a Wrap!
That's a Wrap!

Transplanted human myelin (green) wrapping around genetically modified brain axons.

The Birth of the Brain
The Birth of the Brain

Formation of brain-like systems 24 hours after formation from stem cells. The different colours show the different populations of cell types necessary for life.

The Brains Bouncers
The Brains Bouncers

In red we can see endothelial cells, the primary unit of blood vessels, and in green we can see astrocytes, a type of neural cell that intimately associates with the vessel.

The Heart
The Heart

Glioma cells (green) and how they form tumour mass in the brain. It was taken at the very edge of a brain tumour mass and the injection route can also be seen. Brain cells are in blue.

Tree of life How Neurons Connect Us All
Tree of life – How Neurons Connect Us All

The bridge between nerve cells (orange) and muscle (green), the integral connections that enable us to move our muscles and bodies.

Views of Earth from Space
Views of Earth from Space

The green colour highlights N-cadherin, a protein that helps cells stick together. The blue color marks the cell nuclei, which are the central parts of the cells that contain their genetic material.

Why Aren’t We Studying Morphology Instead
Why Aren't We Studying Morphology Instead

Pyramidal neurons in the cortex labelled with green fluorescent protein. These cells are one of the main cell types in our brain. All cell bodies are labelled in blue to provide a background reference.

2023 winners

Sparkling Pink Heart

Scientific Award – Shivani Vaidya, Addiction Neuroscience Group

Captured on an LSM 900 confocal microscope, this combined image depicts two different hemispheres of the medial habenula.

The cell nucleus (pink) is surrounded by VGLUT1 mRNA (white).

Sparkling Pink Heart – microscopy image

Wysteria Joy

People’s Choice Award – Chau Tran, Personalised Therapeutics Group

Using a Zeiss LSM 900 microscope, this image shows surviving motor neurons from patients with motor neurone disease in mouse brains after 6 months.

Lower motor neurons are labelled with CHAT (green) and purple 8-OHG, biomarker of oxidative stress.

Wisteria Joy – Florey microscopy imagery

2023 entrants

Synaptic transmission in brain organoids – Florey microscopy imagery
Synaptic transmission in brain organoids

Pamela Kairath (PhD), Research Fellow

Brain organoids neurons, VGlut1, vglumate transporter 1 in pink, nuclei in blue and tubulin β3 in yellow.

Overview of a spinal cord organoid – Florey microscopy imagery
Overview of a spinal cord organoid

Lijun Loh, PhD student

Motor neurons in green and neurofilaments in red.

A neuromuscular organoid – Florey microscopy imagery
A neuromuscular organoid

Nirma Perera (PhD), Senior Research Officer

MND patient stem cell-derived organoid shows red nerve cells, blue nuclei and green autophagy protein.

Bright cells meeting at the river of the ventricle – Florey microscopy imagery
Bright cells meeting at the river of the ventricle

Alexandra Fraser, MPhil student

Stress marker c-fos in green and nuclei (blue) in a brain exposed to Porsolt test.

Jackson Pollock (reborn) – Florey microscopy imagery
Jackson Pollock (reborn)

Francois-Xavier Beau, PhD student

Human lab-grown ‘mini-brain’. Oligodendrocytes (immature in green and mature in orange) can be seen doing their own thing (myelin in red), nuclei in blue.

Can trapped drugs escape blood vessels to reach neurons? – Florey microscopy imagery
Breaking Barriers: Novel peptide-linked drugs penetrate the blood-brain barrier

Azin Amin (PhD), Research Fellow

The successful journey of drugs conjugated to a novel peptide (magenta) as they traverse the blood-brain barrier, escaping blood vessels (green) to reach the neurons (red) within the brain. Astrocytes in yellow and nuclei blue.

Microscopic biological sword – Florey microscopy imagery
Microscopic biological sword

Hannah Truong (PhD), Postdoctoral Research Officer

Live adult C.elegans worms fed with GFP tagged Ferritin (FTN-2:GFP) and mounted onto glass slide. Head and body image was captured by SP8 confocal microscope equipped with 20x optical lens.

OH MY oliGODendrocyte! – Florey microscopy imagery
OH MY oliGODendrocyte!

Katherine (Katie) Lewis, PhD student

Oligodendroglia are the myelinating cells and are essential for maintaining brain health. Nuclei (blue), PDGFR⍺ (green; stains for oligodendrocyte precursor cells), EdU (magenta; marks cell proliferation).

Our microscopy services

The Florey Microscopy Facility supports in-house scientists and visitors in using advanced light microscopy methods for their research.

The facility houses a collection of state-of-the-art microscopy equipment and image processing tools. The experienced microscopy team are also available to assist users throughout the entire process of microscopic imaging.

Learn more
Close up of a microscope, showing the eyepiece and blurred imagery on a computer screen in the background.

All images as part of the Neuropix Imaging Competition are copyright of The Florey and cannot be reproduced without permission.