Florey associations and committees

The Florey has a number of associations and committees that work to connect researchers, assist with career development and drive cultural initiatives.

Connecting people and creating stronger communities

Equity in Science Committee (EQiS)

The Florey has a deep commitment to excellence, equality, diversity, respect and integrity. Our Equity in Science Committee (EqIS) acts as an agent for positive change, informing and promoting policies and practices to achieve equality, diversity and inclusion.
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Florey Research Assistants Network (FloRA)

The Florey Research Assistant network (FloRA) is a community for research assistant and research related staff. FloRA’s mission is to provide a platform of support, social networking and career development for its community and to elevate the experience of working in research.Learn more


Florey Postdoctoral Association (FPA)

The Florey Postdoctoral Association (FPA) is an active and vibrant association. The FPA assists all postdoctoral researchers by hosting professional development and networking events alongside social events such as sport outings and coffee catch-ups.
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Students of The Florey (SOFI)

The Students Of The Florey Institute (SOFI) represents a strong and diverse student community. SOFI supports and empowers The Florey’s exceptional students through academic, professional, social events and networking.
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Women In Science Parkville Precinct (WISPP)

WISPP brings together 5 of Australia’s largest research institutes to advance diversity and gender equity, promoting change and empowering women in science. The Florey researcher Julie Bernhardt is a co-founder and the organisation works closely with The Florey’s EQis Committee.
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Research at The Florey

Florey researchers investigate how the brain works, what drives behaviour, find the underlying causes of diseases, and unravel the connection between the body and the brain.

Our research
Researcher with glasses wearing a medical mask and looking down.