Associate Professor Jess Nithianantharajah

BSc. Hons, PhD

Associate Professor Jess Nithianantharajah is the Head of Florey Department of Neuroscience and Mental Health, University of Melbourne. She also heads the Synapse Biology and Cognition Group.

Associate Professor Nithianantharajah’s research focuses on understanding how changes in the molecular architecture of connections in the brain (synapses) regulate complex behaviour, and underlie cognitive symptoms in mental ill-health.

Her work has pioneered translation-focused methods using touchscreens to measure cognition in animal models and humans, advancing how we examine the neural basis of cognitive dysfunction, and accelerate the development of new and improved therapies for psychiatric conditions and related brain disorders.

Associate Professor Nithianantharajah is passionate about building collaborative partnerships, and works to strengthen the connection between the University and The Florey in promoting neuroscience and mental health research in the Parkville Precinct.

Jess Nithi – leadership profile