Dr Ming Soh
BPharm (Hons) PhD

Research Fellow

Parkville Campus
30 Royal Parade
Parkville Victoria 3052

Research group
Neurophysiology of Excitable Networks Group

Dr Ming Soh


Dr Ming Soh completed her Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons 1) and PhD at the University of Sydney and the University of Queensland respectively. Her research focuses on elucidating the impact of mutations in ion channel genes in epilepsy using a combination of in-vivo (mouse and associated behaviour), in-vitro (mammalian cell lines) and electrophysiological (patch-clamp, two-electrode voltage clamp, electrocorticography, electrocardiogram) techniques. In 2021, she identified dysfunctional cardiac arrhythmia variants as biomarkers to predict the risk of sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP). She is currently developing SUDEP animal models to understand the combined impact of seizures and heart dysfunction on SUDEP risk and to trial clinically-approved treatments that could improve long-term survival in patients with epilepsy.

Ming has co-supervised three honours students to completion, all of whom graduated with Class 1, and one with a departmental award. Outside of academic research, Ming is actively involved in various committees and has taken part in organising symposiums, workshops, events and drafting/judging of postgraduate policies, procedures, awards and budgets.

Key collaborators:

  • Professor Samuel Berkovic – Epilepsy Research Centre
  • Professor Ingrid Scheffer – Epilepsy Research Centre
  • Professor Chris Semsarian – Centenary Institute
  • Dr Richard Bagnall – Centenary Institute
  • Professor Dave Coghill- University of Melbourne
  • Professor Clive May – The Florey
  • Associate Professor Yugeesh Lankadeva – The Florey
  • Dr Lindsea Booth – The Florey

Career highlights

Current roles

  • Research Fellow – The Florey and University of Melbourne
  • Committee member – Young Epilepsy Section of the Young Epilepsy Section of Epilepsy Society of Australia
  • Review Editor – Frontiers in Pharmacology, Section Neuropharmacology

Past roles

  • Faculty Member – Australian Course for Advanced Neuroscience (2023)
  • Committee Member – Florey Postdoctoral Association (2022–2023)
  • Committee Member – Florey Graduate Research Committee (2022–2023)
  • Postdoctoral Researcher, Tutor – Biomedicine Discovery Institute, Monash University (2016–2018)

Awards and achievements

  • 2023–2026 – Ideas Grants (CIB): Testing a preventative strategy for sudden unexpected death in epilepsy (SUDEP) in mouse models based on human genetics ($917,003)
  • 2022–2025 – MRFF Cardiovascular Health Mission (CIF): Treating the impact of seizures on cardiac dysfunction to reduce death ($847,480)
  • 2023 – Anonymous Philanthropic Postdoctoral Travel Award
  • 2020 – Caitilin’s Fund Postdoctoral Travel Award (Epilepsy Research)
  • 2020 – American Epilepsy Society 2020 Young Investigator Award
  • 2019 – Florey Postdoctoral Association Career Development Award
  • 2017 – 21st International C. elegans Conference Travel Award
  • 2017 – Biomedicine Discovery Institute Travel Award
  • 2016 – Asian-Pacific Society for Neurochemistry Postgraduate Student Travel Award
  • 2015 – Australasian Neuroscience Society Student Travel Award
  • 2014 – University of Queensland Graduate School International Travel Award (GSITA) for research training at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark


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