Dr Lilian B Carvalho

Research Fellow

Heidelberg Campus
245 Burgundy Street
Heidelberg Victoria 3084

Research group
AVERT Early Rehabilitation Research Group

Lilian  Braighi Carvalho


Dr Lilian Carvalho is a medical doctor and rehabilitation physician currently working as a postdoctoral researcher in the AVERT Early Rehabilitation Research Group. Dr Carvalho completed her PhD studies at The Florey (University of Melbourne) in 2023, titled ‘Investigating the effects of upright positions on cerebral haemodynamics and clinical outcomes in acute ischaemic stroke’ under the supervision of Professor Julie Bernhardt and was co-supervised by Professor Vincent Thijs, Dr Brian Chambers and Dr Karen Borschmann.

Dr Carvalho completed her medical training in physical medicine and rehabilitation in 2014 and subsequently advanced training in Clinical Neurophysiology in 2015 at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Prior to undertaking her PhD, Dr Carvalho worked as a Rehabilitation Medicine consultant and clinical researcher in neurorehabilitation, including stroke, and spasticity management in Sao Paulo for 2.5 years before moving to Melbourne. Dr Carvalho’s main research interests are stroke recovery and neurorehabilitation early post stroke.

Career highlights

Current roles

  • Research fellow, The Florey

Past roles

  • PhD candidate, The Florey

Other highlights

  • Dr Carvalho is a medical doctor and rehabilitation physician

Awards and achievements

  • 2023 – Stroke Society of Australasia New Investigator Award (New Investigator Acute Care award)
  • 2021 – Caitlin’s Fund Postgraduate Travel Award, The Florey Postgraduate and Postdoctoral Prize award round
  • 2021 – The Florey Postdoctoral Association Best Review runner-up
  • 2018 – Melbourne Research Scholarship
  • 2018 – PhD Stipend of the Centre for Research Excellence in Stroke Rehabilitation and Brain Recovery (NHMRC 1077898)

Research publications


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